
Thoughts and News

My Favorite Reads in 2019

Putting together a year’s best list is inherently weird. Do I use books I read in 2019, or books that came out in 2019? Since I read ARCs early, it seems unfair to only do the former. But if I only do the latter then I miss older books, and I believe in supporting backlist.…

Adventuring into My Prime!

Adventuring into My Prime / Casey Prime! Here we are: another year passed, a new decade launched, and I am in my prime. (I’m now 31 years old and clearly still a huge nerd.) Last year I talked about taking a step back and figuring out how to get what I want out of life…

New Job: Virtual Assistant!

So, here’s a new and exciting thing! After much research, thinking, and planning, I’m starting a new day job career as a Virtual Assistant and Author Assistant. Casey, what in the world is a virtual assistant? Is that even a real job? It is indeed! I had a lot of questions myself and have been…


I’ll have more to say about this year’s Sirens Conference another time, but I have to start with this. Sirens will understand why. I’ve spent most of today unpacking all the signs of a wonderful conference. The heroine capes and inevitable books, the glitter and ideas and memories. Then the card Sabrina signed to me.…

Sirens Schedule

Hi friends! I have a busy schedule this week at Sirens Conference, so for those of you here in Denver, here are some times you can find me. Tonight I’ll be introducing Sirens Studio guest of honor Roshani Chokshi, talking a little about women and power and myth-making. Then tomorrow (Wednesday 10/23) gets exciting: surprise…

Swift the Chase – Available now!

It’s release day!! Swift the Chase is now available for *free* at your preferred ebook retailer. All the samples in this collection are hopeful, thoughtful, and action-packed. If you love Tea Princess Chronicles, it’s a great way to check out other authors whose work is likely up your alley! I’ve personally read and would recommend stories by every one…

Cover Reveal – Swift the Chase

I’ve been sitting on this for AGES and am thrilled to finally be able to announce I’m part of an anthology of fantasy chase scenes coming this October! The title is Swift the Chase, and you can add it on Goodreads. Today is the cover reveal (my very first cover reveal!! =D!), and I could…

Using Character to Generate Story

Entry points into creating stories differ for everyone. I’ve mentioned before that I come at stories from the characters, and that I write character-driven books. What this means is that, rather than “what if this cool idea” or “what if this cool magic,” I start with “what if this character premise.” My novels are high…

Agency Failures in Plotting

Raymond Chandler once wrote of plotting, “When in doubt, have a man come through a door with a gun in his hand.” Like most writing advice, this is useful to a point. When someone gives the writing advice of “kill your darlings,” the point is not to cut all the things you like about your…


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